Privacy policy
Data security
We are committed to your privacy and protect your data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and through adequate technical and organisational means.
Which kind of information we collect
We collect, save and use only personal data that you give us directly when you contact us or donate. This information includes your name, your postal and email addresses, your preferred language, personal messages and details of your donation.
We are happy to inform you about which of your personal data we saved. In case you agreed to our using your personal data, you can revoke this agreement any time in written with immediate effect.
We gather anonymized data when you visit our website. By using Google Analytics we collect data on visited and referring pages, date and length of page views, IP address, browser and operational system of visitors. We are not in a position to assign this kind of data to specific persons.
Your computer’s browser saves cookies automatically. You can deactivate saving of cookies by changing the browser’s configuration.
How we use this information
We use your personal data to answer to requests, to communicate with you and to acknowledge your donation. We do not forward your data to other people, organisations and enterprises.
We analyse data on usage of our websites to optimize our offer to you and to design content more user-friendly and interesting.
By using our website, you agree to our data security measures. Do you have questions regarding this declaration? Then please do not hesitate to contact us: