We change the game for wild Fishing Cat populations and ensure their survival.
Wild Fishing Cat populations are viable across their native range and habitats, culturally valued globally and living in harmony with humankind.
surveyed the status of Fishing Cat populations in several parts of India and is Principal Scientist at the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History, Coimbatore, India.
is Co-founder and Coordinator of the Fishing Cat Working Group and Editor of Small Wild Cat Conservation News.
is Advisor of the Fishing Cat Working Group and has worked as a freelance wildlife surveyor and conservation advisor in Southeast Asia since 1992.
is a wildlife biologist working with Save Vietnam's Wildlife.
is Founder of the Fishing Cat Fund.
is Advisor of the Fishing Cat Working Group and studied Fishing Cat in Sri Lanka's Udawalale National Park. He is Chair of the EAZA Felid TAG and Curator at Cologne Zoo, Germany.
initiated the Bangladesh Fishing Cat Project
initiated Fishing Cat targeted surveys in Thailand.
initiated Fishing Cat targeted surveys in Myanmar.
is Head Keeper for cats at the Aspinall Foundation Wild Animal Parks.
are looking for Fishing Cat in Java.
surveyed the status of Fishing Cat in Parsa Wildlife Reserve, Nepal.
surveyed the status of Fishing Cat in Chitwan National Park, Nepal.