Fishing Cat in the wild ..

Pakistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Java Western Ghats

Fishing Cat in Cambodia

The first Fishing Cat in Cambodia was recorded in March 2003 by a camera-trap in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary close to flood-plain grassland near the Sen River in the Northern Plains of Cambodia (Rainey and Kong 2010). A Prionailurus kitten raised by local people near Botum Sakor National Park was thought to be a Fishing Cat with some degree of uncertainty (Royan 2009).

Camera-traps set up in Peam Krasop Wildlife Sanctuary recorded two Fishing Cats between February and April 2015 (Thaung and Herranz Muñoz 2016).

In the following map, point to locations, where Fishing Cats were recorded.


  1. Rainey, H. J., Kong, K. 2010. A Fishing Cat observation from northern Cambodia. Cat News 52: 8–9.
  2. Royan, A. 2009. Confirmation of the endangered Fishing Cat in Botum-Sakor National Park, Cambodia. Cat News 51: 10–11.
  3. Thaung R. and Herranz Muñoz, V. 2016. Identifying priority sites and conservation actions for Fishing Cat in Cambodia. In: A. Appel and J. W. Duckworth (eds)., Proceedings of the First International Fishing Cat Conservation Symposium, 25–29 November 2015, Nepal. Fishing Cat Working Group, Bad Marienberg, Germany and Saltford, Bristol, United Kingdom. Pp. 37–40.

Text and map compiled by Angie Appel